Who we are

We are driven to meet customers' expectations for our mutual benefits; results-oriented and dedicated to meeting and exceeding standards of excellence; thoughtful and creative in generating new opportunities for the company; naturally curious and hungry to know more; collaborative and united by common goals; confident and calm in taking on new challenges; excited by leading teams to apply their full competence and commitment; focused on getting others' buy-in and commitment; committed to helping others grow.

Managerial leadership competencies (MLCS)

We believe in clarity as it breeds trust. We are devoted to developing organization structures, roles profiles and work processes that provide colleagues with the clarity they need to trust one another, to work collaboratively, and to be successful.

We are devoted to developing our employees. Our customized Managerial Leadership Competencies (MLCs) provides a framework to help our managerial leaders coach and develop our colleagues. Over 7,000 man-hours of MLCs training have been delivered to managers and professional employees in 2014, to ensure they are well-equipped with the managerial leadership capabilities needed for their day-to-day activities. We invest heavily in providing support and recognition to our managerial leaders in applying our MLCs to their daily work life.

Functional Skilled Knowledge (FSK)

We also invest the core skills required for our colleagues to be effective in their roles. Our customized Functional Skilled Knowledge (FSK) programs equip our colleagues with the necessary skilled knowledge to perform effectively. In 2014, over 38,000 hours of FSK training have been provided to our employees, to ensure the technical capability required to be a world-class manufacturer. With our Train-the-Trainer processes, our subject matter expert colleagues have the opportunity to develop into trainers, further contributing to their own development and TAL Apparel's success.

We actively look for long and short term cross-functional or cross-border assignments which enable our colleagues to widen their experience and master new proficiencies.